Micah’s Bar Mitzvah

Mazel Tov to Micah on a glorious Bar Mitzvah! The service was at Rodeph Shalom and the party at FAME. We lucked out with gorgeous magic hour lighting for some family photos on the roof at FAME with perfect view of Philadelphia in the background. It was so much fun to capture the joy of this family and community as they came together - thank you for having me as your photographer! Here are a few favorites I hope you enjoy as a sneak peek. 

Synagogue: Rodeph Shalom

Friday Night Catering: Pitruco Pizza Truck

Saturday Catering: K'far

Saturday Catering Staffing: Swig

Dj, game rentals, and photo booth: Empower Event Group 

Saturday Night Catering: Feast Your Eyes

Decor and Event Planning: Arielle Davis Designs

Venue: FAME

Second Photographer: Daniel Fugaciu


Naomi’s Bat Mitzvah


The S Family: Fall 2023